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¡Los Cubiertos Tienen Usos Increíbles En El Arte Fuera De La Cocina!

El Redactor: Sandra F.

El arte puede ser una fuente de motivación, concentración e impulso, que vierta pasión y fuego en el artista, y asombro y maravilla en los espectadores. Gary Hovey, un inspirador escultor del estado de Ohio, es una clara prueba de ello. Heredero del talento de su padre como maquinista y carpintero, Hovey vio la belleza en objetos domésticos corrientes que se encuentran en todas las cocinas: cucharas, tenedores y otros tipos de cubiertos. Tras serle diagnosticada la enfermedad de Parkinson en 1994, Hovey se volcó en su arte. 

Con el movimiento restringido y las oportunidades de trabajo limitadas, su forma de arte le dio un sentido de propósito. Fue en 2004 cuando Hovey terminó su primera escultura de plata, un perro corriendo. Con las herramientas de soldadura y la experiencia que necesitaba ya en su poder, se puso a trabajar en su galería de brillantes esculturas. Incluso en 2010, cuando su enfermedad avanzó hasta un punto que le obligó a interrumpir el poco trabajo a tiempo parcial que le quedaba, Hovey siguió adelante con sus ilustres animales. Cada detalle de las criaturas está cuidadosamente elaborado y diseñado utilizando diferentes utensilios de metal, fundidos y soldados para crear los detalles de cada bestia. Estas 20 imágenes muestran el resultado de la perseverancia, el trabajo duro y la pasión.


1. Un chapuzón; pez aguja

Esculturas soldadas y realizadas con utensilios de cocina, cubiertos y otros utensilios por el artista de Ohio diagnosticado con la enfermedad de Parkinson, Gary Hovey, Making a Splash; marlin

(Por Gary Hovey)  

2. Cervatillo de pie

Esculturas soldadas y realizadas con utensilios de cocina, cubiertos y otros utensilios por el artista de Ohio diagnosticado con la enfermedad de Parkinson, Gary Hovey, Standing Fawn

(Por Gary Hovey)

3. Buque del desierto

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Desert Ship

(Por Gary Hovey)

4. Mapache

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Raccoon

(Por Gary Hovey)

5. Gigante gentil

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Gentle Giant

(Por Gary Hovey)

6. Pato 

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Paddle Duck

(Por Gary Hovey)

7. Oso de acero nº 2

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Bear Steel #2

(Por Gary Hovey)

8. Trucha arco iris

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Rainbow Trout

(Por Gary Hovey)

9. Gato sentado

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Sitting Cat

(Por Gary Hovey)

10. El aterrizaje; el búho cornudo

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Sticking the Landing; the great horned owl 

(Por Gary Hovey)

11. Garzas pequeñas

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Small Herons 

(Por Gary Hovey)

12. Águila Majestuosa

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Majestic Eagle

(Por Gary Hovey)

13. Ecosistema acuático 

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Bass Ecosystem

(Por Gary Hovey)

14. Cocodrilo

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Alligator

(Por Gary Hovey)

15. León real

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Regal Lion 

(Por Gary Hovey)

16. Ciervo de Johns

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Johns Deer

(Por Gary Hovey)

17. Perro casero

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, It's A Stretch; dachshund

(Por Gary Hovey)

18. Graciosa gacela

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Graceful; gazelle 

(Por Gary Hovey)

9. Oso de acero nº 3

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Bear Steel #3 

(Por Gary Hovey)

20. Ballena jorobada

Sculptures welded and made using kitchenware, silverware and other utensils by Ohio Artist diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, Gary Hovey, Breaching Humpback Whale

(Por Gary Hovey)

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